Electronic Recycling in Charlottetown – A Green and Profitable Decision
In today’s world where technology rapidly changes and new products are released every year, many people have started to accumulate old electronic devices in their homes. Understanding that proper disposal is fundamental to prevent environmental issues, CBM is dedicated to recycling any old device you may have on your property.
Apart from an environmentally conscious decision, electronic recycling can be a profitable way of getting rid of old or malfunctioning items in your home. Simply bring them to our recycling centre in Charlottetown and we can make you and offer.
How Much Can I Get for a Device?
While some recycling centres take e-waste for free, CBM pays you for your old electronic devices. In most cases, we can pay 5 to 10 cents per pound. Bring your items to us so that we can evaluate them and make you an offer.
The Devices We Can Buy
CBM is interested in buying a wide range of electronic devices regardless of their condition. Whether you have a malfunctioning notebook or a broken smartphone, we can make you an offer. Some of the items we can recycle include:
Cell phones
Old computer towers